Common Mistakes Tourists Make When Traveling to Cartagena

by | Aug 12, 2022 | Travel | 0 comments

Cartagena de Indias is a very touristic city with many reasons to visit it. Here we tell you about the different types of tourism you can find here.

If you want your trip to the city to be memorable for the good things and not for the bad, here are 5 things to keep in mind before traveling to the city.

1. Not booking your hotel in advance.

Cartagena is a city where hotel occupancy on weekends averages 80 percent. You will save yourself a headache if you book in advance. With us you have several accommodation options in the city; from a hostel located in the quiet neighborhood of Manga, two hostels in the busiest area of the city, GetsemanĂ­, to a hotel in one of the most paradisiacal islands of the Caribbean, Tierra Bomba.

2. Not asking for prices before

This can be one of the most common mistakes made by first-time tourists in the city. It is highly recommended to ask for prices and promotions of the food or drink you want to buy, even the cab you want to take. Most shopkeepers in Cartagena are very friendly and honest, but there are always those who want to be more astute than others. Keep in mind that nothing is free in this life. The famous “free trial” can be costly. There are price rates set by the local mayor’s office, ask us for the most up to date one.

3. Buying tours on the street

Many of the street vendors are informal, not directly contracted. They will tell you anything to get you to buy “the perfect tour” but it will not be as promised and you will end up overpaying. We have an expert guide and many experiential options to make your trip memorable. Visit our tours section now.

4. Not eating typical food of the city

Arriving in Cartagena and not tasting the delicious typical Caribbean food is one of the biggest mistakes. Tasting a plate of coconut rice with fried mojarra (fish), green plantain patacones and panela water with lemon, is a thing of the gods. There are many more options to choose from. Tell us in our social networks the Caribbean food you like the most.

5. Missing the bay tour by boat

This tour is perfect because it is in the late afternoon, when the sun is setting, there is no heat and night is coming over beautiful Cartagena. We recommend this tour because you can stroll around, have a glass of wine or the cocktail of your choice, listen to good music and meet interesting people.

Follow us and don’t miss any of our tips. We are locals and we want you to have the best experience in our city.

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